Tuesday, April 14, 2009

False Bond

I'm tired of it. I'm tired of them. and their selfishness and their childishness.
Looking down on others as if they are above everybody else! They've got too much arrogance and pride in their system. They are so insecure of others! When will they grow up and be mature enough to realize that not all their friends will forever live up to their expectations!? Did they befriend those people because they posses the qualities they want and not for what that person wants to have? Its so frustrating to see, hear and feel that you no longer have any value for them because you are lacking a trait that they need for a qualified friend. Its so frustrating to know that they want your existence to disappear from their 'perfect' world because you are no longer worthy to be called a friend. Why can't they just tell it to you, face-to-face, that you are no longer their friend so that you can stop holding on to false hopes and false bond called friendship!

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