Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

Happy Holidays Everyone!!

I have not updated for the past weeks..well, i have my reasons! >__<

First(and probably, my most commonly used excuse), I was tooooooo lazy to sit still in front of the PC and tell stories.. I'd rather read than type...

Second, I caught dengue fever. GOsh! i was hospitalized for almost a week! and its right after the LOL Xmas Party which was last saturday, December 15, 2007.
When I got home from Ivy's place, I felt my head ache and the next day, puff! I already have a fever.
My older brothers we're admmited in the morning and I, in the afternoon.
I lost my appetite. As in totally LOST it!
Can u imagine me saying "NO" for a chocolate bar? waaaaahhh!!! I didnt even want to drink water. Everytime I eat, I will get dizzy and throw up.
and and and and!!
The Hospital bed...sooooo SUCKKKK!!! I hate it from the bottom of my still weak heart! Until now my back still hurts! Its so uncomfortable to sleep on!

NOW, three days after I forced my discharge order, I have regained my appetite just in time for NOTSE BUENAAAAAAA!!!~~~~ horaaaayyyy!!!

Lastly, I am busy charging up again for the next battle!.....
New Year's Eve! muhahahhaha!!

Oh! BTW, LOL! thanks for the gifts! I love it all!! especially the very cuddly Tigger from my favorite pamangkin! and I would like to compliment my Twin for the very hard work!


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My Bestie

During the past days, I have been reminiscing about the past.
About my childhood.
About my Grade school days.
The days when I was very carefree and jolly.
The days when I enjoy the smallest things in life.
The days when I would approach my friend and share to her stories.
Stories of my everyday life.
Stories of my friends.
Even stories that are not stories at all. (tsimis lang! muhahah!)

I have grown attached to that person.
Maybe because we have a lot in having older brothers, sharing the same passion for sketching, and being addicted to various genre of anime shows.

She became my best friend when we were in Grade 3 and since then, we only quarreled once. It was when we were in 1st year High School and 3 of my other best friends (we were 5 originally - Voltes V) were also angry at her. We all turned our backs on her. I can no longer recall the root of all that but one thing is for sure: she was hurt.
After sometime, months I think, we all got together again. Past is past.

But because of that event, I saw how strong, independent, and confident she is. She's like the complete opposite of me. I started to idolize her and until now, i still do look up to her.

The 4 longs years of High School has put our friendship into the test. But no matter how stupid we, or most of the time-I, could get, we never left each others' side. Our bond became stronger to the point where we are willing marry each other if only one of us were born male.

No Joke.
(hahahhahhaha!) Right Ti???? >___<

My best friend knows all about it.
How much of a coward I am.
How dense and, sometime, arrogant I am.
and How much I deny to myself everytime I fall in love.

She knows me more than I do myself. An extension of my life, that's what she is.
She always give me the courage to speak my mind and do stuff that I don't usually do, never did, or too scared try.
She always reminds me to be confident with myself and that I have a lot to be proud of.
She's my strength and she makes me feel secure all the time.

We share the most censored part of our lives and opening up to her is not a problem.
I don't keep a secret from her! (Promise Ti! hehehhe!)

Thank you for everything!
I'm just a text away and if I have zero balance, just go online and chat me.
When all else fails, just phone me. hahahha! ^___^ *hugz*

Today is a very special day..
It's your 18th birthday!


I wish you all the best Ti!

I Love You! Mwaaaah!

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*I made two versions of the collage*

I'll say it again: Tingnan mo na lang yung pictures natin, andyan na yung message ko! hahahha!